Sunday, July 29, 2012

Top 10 motivational tips for fitness

A dear friend of mine has sent me some tips that might help you with getting motivated.
Please keep watching this space as during the week i will be posting a personal message and ways that i found useful to get my self motivated. But until remember we have the power to either be postive about yourself or negtive if we choose the path of postive we will be found that the people around us and the life we are living is only bringing us true happyness.

Even though sometimes it hard to see we are beautiful every single one of us are, and on those days we belive our physical image is not what we want use that to motivate your self to doing that little bit extra to getting fit because in the long  run the only person who can really let our beauty shine is us. we can not blame any one or belive that anyone eles will help us unless we will take the first step to helping ourselves.

Top 10 motivational tips for fitness

Top ways to keep your body exercising healthily

It’s a fine line that divides motivational success or failure when it comes to exercise. Here are some top tips to keep you motivated for exercise so nothing stands in your way.

Set goals for your fitness training and be specific

The more specific the better. For example, aim to complete a running or swimming event, or to lose two inches from your waist rather than just generally aiming to get fit. You are more likely to fulfill your goals, if they are specific. Be realistic with your goals but make them hard enough to be a good challenge. Strike the balance – an unrealistic goal will kill motivation but a goal that is too easily achieved will lead to boredom.

Get an exercise training plan

This will give you a daily goal, even if sometimes it is just telling you to rest. You could obtain one from a personal trainer, or you could download one from the shop. A structured plan will increase your motivation and your chances of success.

A huge de-motivator is overtraining

Don’t increase the duration or intensity of your training too quickly as you will soon become uninterested or injure yourself. This is another reason to get a proper training plan.

Adopt exercise role models

Find out what totally motivates you and then surround yourself with it! It could be photos of inspiring sportspeople, men’s or women’s magazines, or even your favourite celebrities butt – whatever works for you! Place these things where you can see them every day.

Record your training progress

Keeping a training schedule, logbook or blog , of your gym visits, running times, swimming pool visits, will keep you focused on the tasks in hand and allow you to accurately check your progress. Many people regularly review their logs to provide motivation for the future.


Nothing is more likely to keep you going than adding variety to your fitness training. Look at what else you can do – running, walking, cycling, rowing and swimming, all add to your training and improve flexibility, strength and general fitness.

Go shopping for the right exercise clothing

New workout wear can equal a new you, which can subsequently result in improved motivation and performance. Get out to your sports or fitness specialist and find out what’s new in-store. A new top, shorts or shoes could inspire you to keep going. The better you look, the better you feel and you are much more likely to stay motivated.

Make your exercise social

After a training session allow yourself a drink or dinner with friends – you deserve it

Get a pedometer for daytime exercise

Current thinking suggests 10,000 steps per day are needed for good health. Try walking whenever you can in your day – you will be further motivated as you see the steps clock-up!

Visualise your training success

If you picture yourself achieving your goal and what it will feel like, those images and feelings will help to motivate you to achieving them. Picture yourself feeling amazing as you achieve your goal.

Stuart Wesley | Personal Trainer

The Facts

Must watch

HEY everyone you should watch this !!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hello everyone,  
belive you will be interested in reading and following me throughout this journey.Have ever thought about what it would be like if you started a year ago today?

Do you ever believe that you have no time for the gym, go for a walk or your live is to busy to?

Have you ever stared into the mirror wanting your body to be different?

Ever made a wish you want to feel that much better in your own skin?

Are you over starting again and again?

Did you ever feel like you cant do it?

Well here is the hard hitting truth you have the power to do anything you wish and desire to do in life whether it be eating healthy or starting to go to the gym.

A wise man once said  i threw my  hat over a brick wall that could not be moved and couldn’t be pulled it was my favourite hat , The only way to get my hat back was to climb that wall and every time I fall down and climbed back I become that little bit closer to succeeding in all things great , will you throw your hat over the wall and start today ?